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Kew Speech & Language
Communication consultancy
Diana Waha
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist MRCSLT RC0016314 HCPC SL17741
Welcome to Kew Speech and Language!
KSL has been providing both communication consultancy and therapy since 2016. I am a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist with 20+ year experience, qualified through the postgraduate diploma from City University, London, gained after a first career in Medical and Academic publishing.
I have specialised in Early intervention and universal provision. Since qualifying in 1999 I have chosen to work with children to the end of the foundation stage. I have focused on developing SLT support following a collaborative model, working with parents and other professionals to upskill their ability to support communication development and impact the communication environment.
I have experience of compiling and delivering training to both parents and professionals.
Please contact me to discuss how I can help.​
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