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My Services

I work with pre-school children their parents, their teachers, and other professionals.  My services provide an individually tailored programme to support the child.


Full assessment of communication skills using both formal and informal assessments


The initial process is to work on a full assessment of your child's speech, language and communication skills.  This is carried out through a combination of formal and informal assessment.  It is often useful to observe the child in different settings and discuss the child's profile with both parents and professionals.

A detailed picture of your child will be created and from this process the appropriate intervention can be agreed.

Is this a dog or duck?
Parent Programme

Targeted programme for parents to support their child


Adult/child interaction therapy is a very effective way of helping a child's language skills to develop.  By working with the parents/carer to impact their communication style and approach, you can create an environment that is most facilitative for language development.


As parents are emotionally and physically closest to their children.  They provide a very effective route to promoting change in the child's language.

1:1 therapy

Working directly with children


Depending on the child's needs it is sometimes appropriate to provide 1:1 therapy sessions with the child.  It is important that parents/carers attend these sessions, so that they are able to help create opportunities for the child to practice their new skills.


The sessions will be provided at a time and location convenient to your family needs.  

Educational Staff Programme

Targeted programme for Teachers to support the child in their setting


I work with educational settings both supporting individual children and helping to develop an enabling communication environment for all children.

It is often necessary to support new skills, that the child develops during 1:1 therapy, develop in their educational setting.  Working with key members of staff is an important part of the role of a SLT.


Specific programmes for Teachers to support the child in their setting


I provide a comprehensive selection of training covering language development, speech sounds, play and interaction, story telling, bilingualism and reluctant talking.  I am developing further training packages all the time.  


These can be delivered as short inset training or I can provide a full day on communication development and strategies.

Multi Agency Meeting

Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team.


To ensure that your child is supported most effectively by all the professionals involved in their treatment it is important to carryout multi-disciplinary working. I will correspond as necessary with key health and educational professionals and attend appropriate meetings where relevant. Obviously, I will only liaise with professionals once I have received your written consent. 


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